Photo Credits:   Liz Tremlett,  Anca Nitulescu, Wezi Thamm


The Women's Networking Zone Organisers take our accountability to all stakeholders very seriously.

For the Monitoring Report of the WNZ 2010: click here

For the Executive Summary of the WNZ 2010 Evaluation Report: click here

For the full Evaluation Report of the WNZ 2010: click here


The Women’s Networking Zone at the Vienna Conference was coordinated by the ATHENA Network.
Celebrating 10 years of parallel women’s fora.

Programme Guides for the Main Conference and the WNZ 2010

For the Official Programme for the Women's Networking Zone 2010, click here

For the Women and HIV 2010 guide, click here


The following presentations are drawn from the Women’s Networking Zone (WNZ) and also from the main conference (MC) and other sources (OS).


You  can download presentations here:


NB:  If you presented material in the WNZ or in other parts of the conference that you would like to have posted here, please send it to us at: amandine at salamandertrust dot net


·       Accountability (including the evidence base)

·      Female Condoms / Microbicides

·      GIPA /Awards

·      Grassroots / community

·      Injecting Drug Use / harm reduction, 

·      Investment  

·      Male circumcision

·      Male engagement

·      Media /  IT  / films / audio

·      Networks / twinning / country initiatives

·      Political Statements

·      Rights / Criminalisation / Sterilisation / Abortion

·      SRHR / sexuality 

·      Stories / journeys

·      Violence

·      Young Women / youth programmes

Other materials of interest

Accountability (including the evidence base)

  (WNZ) Women's Networking Zone Town Hall Session: "Beyond the Evidence Base: Rights and Justice for Women: Will the Vienna AIDS Conference Make a Difference?" Moderated by Ida Susser, with contributions by Alice Welbourn, Laura Ferguson, Shirin Heidari, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, and Jill Gay. Session organised by Fiona Hale. The two IAS publications to which Shirin Heidari referred can be found here and here. The new "What Works for Women" website can be accessed here.

 (MC) Women, HIV & Quality of Life: Poster Presentation by Isabel Nunes and Marco Pereira.

(MC) "Gendered Neglect?" - content of the JIAS Journal, 2005-2009: poster presentation by Fiona Hale and colleagues.

 (MC) Satellite: "HIV and the MDGs: Can we do one without the other?"

(MC) Click here to view the rapporteurs’ session from the main conference, including the transcript of this session. For instance, Lorraine Sher, rapporteur for Track D (Social Science Track), can be heard from 33m 40s. She notes that 55% of abstracts submitted to Track D of the Scientific Programme were rejected. 

Female Condoms / Microbicides

(MC) The CAPRISA microbicides study results: Click here for the webcast of the presentation and here for an article by Ida Susser about this for Open Democracy.

GIPA / Awards

 (MC) "GIPA" Good Practice Guide: A new publication from the International HIV Alliance and GNP+, launched in Vienna, which takes gender issues into account.

(OS) CONGRATULATIONS to Olimbi and Sveta from Europe - and to all the other great people and organisations around the world who won this year's Red Ribbon Awards. You can read more about Olimbi and her work here.

Grassroots / community

 (WNZ)  Stepping Stones: Powerpoint presentations about this training programme on gender, HIV, communication and relationship skills, in Russia; Uganda and elsewhere. Short video presentation about Stepping Stones use in Russia, where it is known as "15".


 (WNZ) Funding for Women's Rights: The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS held a panel in the Women's Networking Zone to explore this ever-pressing issue. Nyaradzayi Gumbondzvanda, General Secretary of the WorldYWCA, and a member of the GCWA Steering Committee, moderated this session and reviews the issues here.

Injecting Drug Use / harm reduction

 (WNZ) Returning Home: A powerful film about young women with children and a substitution therapy programme in Ukraine from the All Ukrainian Network of People living with HIV: click here.

(OS) "Women, Harm Reduction and HIV": a report on a multi-country study relating to women, HIV, injecting drug use and SRR.  Soros Institute.

Male circumcision

 (MC) The WHiPT Project reports on research regarding Medical Male Circumcision amongst women in four countries in E and Southern Africa.

Male engagement

There were several sessions which discussed male engagement for gender equity and an end to gender violence. These included one by Sonke Gender Justice and Athena, and one on Stepping Stones (see grassroots/community above). However most of these were not documented.

Media  /  IT / Films / Audio

(OS) "Happy Mother's Day", Cologne 7th May 2010 - Lifeboat

(WNZ) Preparing for the Women's Networking Zone

 (OS) Positive Pondering on World AIDS Vaccine Day, by Andrea Von Lieven

(OS) Mujeres Adelante: the women's daily newsletter has covered issues brought up in the Conference in relation to women's issues in the context of HIV. Please click on the links below to download the newsletters:

First edition -      Mujeres Adelante newsletter - Day 1 (18th July 2010)

Second edition -  Mujeres Adelante newsletter - Day 2 (19th July 2010)

Third edition -      Mujeres Adelante newsletter - Day 3 (20th July 2010)
Fourth edition -   Mujeres Adelante newsletter - Day 4 (21st July 2010)
Fifth edition -      Mujeres Adelante newsletter - Day 5 (22nd July 2010)
Sixth edition -      Mujeres Adelante newsletter - Day 6 (23rd July 2010)

Final edition -      Mujeres Adelante newsletter -  (October 2010)

(OS) Articles and Blogs on Open Democracy about the Conference - read from the bottom of the second page upwards to read them in chronological order

(WNZ) Diamonds: A terrific film from the Asia-Pacific region. You can view the trailer here.

(WNZ) Lifeboat: Short films about women living with HIV in Europe and their families. A film trailer of Lifeboat  Deutschland can be viewed here. A powerpoint of the project can be viewed here.

(WNZ) The HIV, Women and Motherhood Project: audio interviews with HIV-positive women activists from around the world about their views on motherhood.

(WNZ) Photos: of the Zone and of the March and some other events in the Conference: click here to view these. Here are some more photos also.

(OS) Posters: Two posters kindly produced by Women Arise of HIV-positive women human rights defenders. The first is a poster of over 70 HIV-positive women from around the world who are all activists. The second was placed alongside the first poster and had a mirror in the centre of it. The posters were displayed in the Women Arise Booth in the Conference Exhibition Hall.

(OS) March: Videos: one produced by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union: the Human Rights march in Vienna, Tuesday 20 July 2010 - We Women, were there too! Click here to see Rolake and Silvia in action on the stage also.


(OS) RH Reality Check blogs: In two blogs for RH Reality Check about the Conference, Maria de Bruyn reports: 20 July 2010; 25 July 2010.

(OS) Please click on the link to download the latest issue of the 'AIDS Legal Network incorporating Mujeres Adelante'.


(OS) There is an extract from the newsletter 'Mujeres Adelante': by Alice Welbourn: “WECARe+: The thinking behind it: Moving forward the Positive Women’s Agenda, linking across Europe and Central Asia”.


(OS) Please click on the hyperlink to read articles on the subject of HIV and attitudes. These articles were taken from the second newsletter of the Sophia Forum, the UK chapter of the Global Coalition in Women and AIDS (

Networks / Twinning / Country Initiatives  

(WNZ) Austrian Women's Network (English and German together)

(WNZ) Network for Women and AIDS Germany (English version) (German version)

(WNZ) Launch of WECARe+: The new network for women living with HIV in Europe and Central Asia. Survey and pdf of powerpoint of survey highlights. Also now available in  Portuguese and French.  To read an account of the launch in the WNZ by Luisa Orza, click here.

(WNZ) The Twinning Project: 2010 for 2010: A unique twinning project which brought HIV-positive women from East and West Europe together to the AIDS Conference for the first time was highlighted in the WNZ. Read more here for the poster about the project; and here for the press report.


(MC) Two posters from Germany: Click here for a poster about the work of GSSG in Germany; and here for a poster about the work of the Federal Centre for Health Education.

Political Statements

(OS) Please click on the link to read the Declaration of the Socialist International Women on the impact of HIV/AIDS on women

 (OS) EC Launch of the Women’s Charter, which includes the Commission’s commitment to eliminate gender inequalities in access to health care and to eliminate gender based violence.

Rights / Criminalisation / Sterilization / Abortion

 (OS)  10 reasons why Criminalization of HIV Exposure or Transmission Harms Women, Athena Network, 2009

 (OS) How Could She: A film about an HIV positive woman who has been imprisoned in Sweden for risk of HIV transmission. Her husband and two children are HIV-negative.

SRHR / sexuality

 (WNZ) Neglected SRR issues for women living with HIV: a panel session. Click here for a summary of this session which included contributions from Maria de Bruyn, Jenifer Gatsi and Sofia Gruskin.

(WNZ) Testing issues: see an article about one session about this from South Africa here.

 (MC) Satellite: "How to Guarantee Women's and Girls' Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the HIV/AIDS Response?"

 (WNZ) HIV, women and motherhood: A series of interviews conducted by Alice Welbourn during and since the International AIDS conference in Mexico in August 2008. Fourteen women share their most painful times, their resilience, their yearnings and their passions for change.


There were many personal stories and journeys shared during the course of the WNZ. However they were not all documented. To read more about some of them, read the daily "Mujeres Adelante" newsletters, shown above under "media". 


(WNZ) Gender based violence: see an article about a session which shared women's experiences from the Dominican Republic, Russia and the UK here.


 (WNZ) Linking HIV, SRR and young women: a session in the WNZ on 22 July.

 (MC) WorldYWCA: click here to read about all the activities of the WorldYWCA at the Vienna Conference.

(OS) Healthy, Happy and Hot: A guide written for young people living with HIV to help them understand their rights, and live healthy, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.

(WNZ) "Getting Heard in Politics: How young women can influence the policy agenda" Presentation from the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS.

Other materials from or related to the Vienna Conference of interest.......


Please click on the link to download the UNAIDS Letter to Partners


Photo Gallery

Photo of delegates at Women Arise Strategic Planning Meeting, New York, March 2010