During the 6th IAS in Rome, July  2011, WECARe+ had its second meeting with 50 women from 12 countries: click here to read the report

One of the outcomes of the meeting is our vision statement: 

Equality, Involvement and Human Rights for Women Living with HIV

LAUNCH OF WECARe+ (Women in Europe and Central Asia Regions Plus)

At a meeting held in Vienna in October 2009, women from across the Europe and Central Asia region brainstormed about the issues faced by women in relation to HIV. We decided to form WECARe+. For more information, please read the article "WECARe+… Moving forward the Positive Women’s Agenda, linking across Europe and Central Asia", by Alice Welbourn - published in Mujeres Adelante, March 2010

On 20th July 2010, our official launch took place in the Women's Networking Zone at the International AIDS Conference in Vienna, together with the publication of our survey highlights of positive women's issues from across the region!

The powerpoint which was presented at the launch, of the survey highlights, can be accessed here in English. Also available in  Portuguese and in French.

To read an account of the launch in the Women's Networking Zone by Luisa Orza, click here.

To read more about events in Vienna, please visit the Resources page of this website.

To learn more about WECARe+, please email wecareplus at gmail dot com

Summary of meeting in Vienna October 2009

The following thematic/substantive issues were identified. We consider them to be central to our work leading up to, during and beyond AIDS2010 in Vienna.

1)      Stigma and discrimination experienced by women living with HIV
2)      Motherhood: the right to safe healthy motherhood
3)      Sex and sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
         (SRHR), including Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (LBT) rights
4)      Gender violence, including trafficking
5)      A gendered approach to harm reduction, with a focus on women who
         use drugs and including alcohol
6)      Legal and policy frameworks, including criminalization of HIV    
7)      Women in prisons
8)      Sex work and rights of sex workers
9)      Migration and asylum
10)    Young women under 18
11)    Issues facing an aging population of women with HIV across the    
12)    Decision-making, including the Greater Involvement of People with    
         AIDS (GIPA) and the Meaningful Involvement of Women with AIDS
13)    Funding
14)    Health systems and services
15)    Media attitudes and portrayals
16)    Public perceptions
17)    Gaps in the evidence-base related to these issues

This list is no doubt still incomplete. Nonetheless, it serves to highlight the wide range of issues across many sectors facing women in relation to HIV across the Europe and Central Asia region.

To read more about issues facing women in Europe and Central Asia regions, you can also visit our Resources page.